Press Release - Little Free Library Opening
Date: 11/14/2024
Subject: Greater Vallejo Recreation District Announces a Little Free Library at their District Office.
Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon. The small front-yard book exchanges number more than 150,000 around the world. Our new Little Free Library, located at our administration office at 401 Amador Street in Vallejo, will join the movement to share books, bring people together and create a community of readers.
As a parks and recreation district, part of our commitment to the community is to provide recreational opportunities. We often hear parents who are desperate to get their kids ‘unplugged’ from devices. The first step is to offer alternative options; a Little Free Library will be a wonderful solution to not only get kids unplugged but adults as well. We feel placing the library along this high traffic area and keeping it stocked with an assortment of books for all ages is an excellent place to start.
The Amador Street location sees lots of daily foot traffic: teens walking to/from school, families stopping at the recreation office to register for classes, seniors and adults visiting the center. We are excited this little free library will allow a wide range of community members to have easy access to books without having to travel to other locations.

This wonderful opportunity was made possible by the Impact Library Grant Program.
Grand Opening
Wednesday, Nov 20th
401 Amador Street
We invite you to stop by our little blue box and take what catches your eye. We also welcome donations to help ensure our box stays well stocked. If you’re interested in donating a large amount, please contact us at
We💚Books! @littlefreelibrary #impactlibraryprogram
Little Free Library® and its logo are registered trademarks of LFL, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and are used with its permission.
For further information on this press release contact the General Manager, Gabriel Lanusse at (707) 980-9694 or