Public Records Request

Your right to access public documents held by the District is described in Division 10 of the California Government Code, Sections 7920 - 7931. Below you can find our fillable request form and the relevant District Policy.
Public Records Request FormPOLICY TITLE: Copying Public Documents
Copies of agendas and other writings (except for privileged documents) distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors at open Board meetings shall be made available to the public. A limited quantity of such documents shall be copied in advance of each meeting and made available to the public in attendance at no charge. Additionally, Individuals may request copies of the Board Agenda in advance of the Board meeting at no charge.
Members of the community requesting public documents, other than Board agendas, shall be charged a fee to defray expenses associated with the process. The description of each administrative item and associated fee shall be determined during the budget process and included in the fee schedule section of the operating budget.
Copies of requested documents, except those records exempt from disclosure in whole or in part, will be provided via U.S. Mail, fax, in person, or electronically in a reasonable amount of time.