Seed of Life Labyrinth
The VibeSolano Alliance (GVRD is a proud member) offers this labyrinth to the community as a place to meander, get physical activity, contemplate, and let go of stress, by getting time outdoors in one of our beautiful parks and moving towards spiritual oneness during these turbulent times.
Conceptualized and painted by Lars Howlett, it is a 7-Circuit Neo-Medieval labyrinth based on the 'Petite Chartres' design. It features a Seed of Life rosette in the center. Also unique to the design is an extra perimeter pathway that surrounds the labyrinth and allows for one entrance from the sidewalk and another from the playground. The labyrinth is situated on a site that was originally occupied by a tree ringed fountain. After the fountain fell into disrepair, the site was occupied by a sandbox before becoming the home of this exquisite labyrinth.

This project was brought to you by a partnership between GVRD & the entire VibeSolano Alliance and the following: Solano Public Health, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Congregation B'nai Israel, Community Presbyterian Church, Vallejo Together, The Salvation Army Kroc Center, and of course, Discover Labyrinths.

This labyrinth was unveiled to the public during the pandemic, and the artist is happy to know that people have been able to walk the labyrinth during these times of high stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. And so are we!
Click here to learn more about labyrinths including tips on how you might enjoy this one, courtesy of here to read the VibeSolano Alliance Press Release announcing the opening of the labyrinthTo watch the video of our virtual ribbon cutting & dedication, click here.
To learn more about Mr. Howlett's work, click here to visit