Little Free Library

Announcing the Grand Opening of our Book Sharing Box!
HOST: Greater Vallejo Recreation District
ADDRESS: 401 Amador Street, Vallejo CA 94590
Greater Vallejo Park, Recreation and Open Space Foundation received a grant from the Impact Library Program. The Amador Street location sees lots of daily foot traffic: teens walking to/from school, families stopping at the recreation office to register for classes, seniors and adults visiting the center. Having a little free library at this site will allow a wide range of community members to have easy access to books without having to travel to other locations.
Here’s how it works:
· We initially stock the Little Free Library with a variety of books
· You stop by and take whatever catches your eye
· You bring books to contribute when you can
Visit for more information
If you have a large number of books you'd like to contribute, you can drop them off with staff at our 401 Amador St office. You can call 707-648-4101 if you have any questions. If you'd love to show support but can't bear to part with any of your books (we understand!) you can click the donate link on this page and select Little Free Library from the drop-down list.

Little Free Library® and its logo are registered trademarks of LFL, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and are used with its permission.