Teacher Kay's Mini Alphapals

Teacher Kay's Mini Alphapals® Preschool Program • Ages (2.5-4)
Teacher Kay's Mini Alphapals® class for kid’s ages 2 ½ to 4 is a perfect introduction to the Alphapals preschool program. Each week your child will have fun with the animal and letter of the week, art activities, story time and circle time. This is an excellent way to introduce your child to a positive and nurturing classroom setting and prepare them to transition into Teacher Kay's Preschool program. Children potty training and in pullups may attend this class. This is an ongoing class and children may join at any time. Instructors: Teacher Kay's Alphapals ®Team
Wed, 12:30-1:30pm or 1:30-2:30pm
4-week session $60/R, $72/NR
Location: Washington Park Building, 900 Ohio St
Check out her classroom!